I’m also using Gentoo, and have the same problem.
As a temporary workoround I edited /etc/init.d/rngd
I changed –bacckground to -f in command_args, and added –background
to start_stop_daemon_args
(resulting command)
start-stop-daemon –start –exec /usr/sbin/rngd –pidfile /var/run/rngd.pid –wait 1000 –background — –pid-file /var/run/rngd.pid -f –random-step 64 –fill-watermark 2048 –rng-device /dev/TrueRNG
In other words, don’t let rngd background itself, and let
start-stop-daemon do it instead. It’s not the “right way”, but it works 😉
This reply was modified 10 years ago by chrekh.