Home Forums TrueRNG Hardware random number generator New User with Questions

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    Hi there,

    Just received my TrueRNG and have a few questions:

    1) Does this take the place of the CRNG when .inf file is installed and unit is running?
    2) To further elaborate on the above question–If I am using KeePass (password manager), will it use TrueRNG for entropy/random numbers?
    3) Is there another/better alternative to the realterm software?


    Ubld.it Staff

    1) In windows, the INF simply provides the USB Serial driver so that you can access the random stream generated by the device. It does not seed the windows kernel. Even in Linux this does not happen automatically, there is another program (rngd) that reads the TrueRNG and seeds the kernel. While this is technically possible in windows, I am unsure how to facilitate that, but applications by themselves can use the device by reading the serial port.

    2) Not knowing how the source code of KeePass looks, I doubt it knows to pull entropy from the TrueRNG. Not to say that it couldn’t do so, there is just no standard mechanism for something like that in windows that I am aware of. The Device Descriptor for TrueRNG acts like a standard USB Serial port, so it’s just a matter of reading data out of the port.

    3) I just put a blog post up with a link to a tool we wrote to capture data from the TrueRNG in windows, it appears that RealTerm likes to lock up while using it randomly as many of our users have stated. The rngcapture program we made isn’t pretty but it works. Here is a link to the blog post. The tool is also in the Downloads tab of the product page.



    Thank you sir.



    Have you tried TRaNGen2 from bmbsoftware.com ?


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