Home Forums TrueRNG Hardware random number generator G2 flashing or off?

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    Lately the G2 on my TrueRNGpro is either flashing with varying lengths between blinks, or completely off for long periods of time. Using the TrueRNG software in NORMAL_RNG2, DBG_RNG, and shows G2 functional.

    Does anyone know what this means?

    Ubld.it Staff

    Sorry for the late reply, It means that the internal consistency check for the second generator is hitting its limit. This doesn’t mean you will get bad random numbers, but it means that it is in a spot that we wouldn’t prefer it to be in. If you could contact support with the information of where and hwen you purchased it, we would love to do an exchange to inspect what is going on with that unit and we are perfectly happy to send you another one. But to let you know, the output stream of data should have an undetectable result of that light — it *could* indicate a serious problem but usually it means the pre calibration we perform on it was too close to the wear in specs.



    Sorry for the delay, but I forgot to subscribe to notifications for this thread.

    I purchased it via Amazon on May 22, 2018 at this link:


    What is the contact information for support?

    Ubld.it Staff

    There is a contact link on the menu. https://ubld.it/contact/ Just provide your information and we will get that handled for you.

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