Home Forums TrueRNG Hardware random number generator C# code example with ranging

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  • #2317

    This code example returns a 32 bit random number in HEX
    you can give it a min HEX and max HEX range from command line (00000000 FFFFFFFF)

    This should save many of you a lot of time getting going since there are not many code examples available.

    I call this from a PHP script for integration into a web application.
    using System;
    using System.IO.Ports;

    namespace TrueRNGRanger
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    uint StartRangeInt = 0;
    uint EndRangeInt = 4294967295;
    string StartRange = “”;
    string EndRange = “”;
    if (args.Length == 2) //two command line args or bust
    StartRange = args[0];
    EndRange = args[1];
    StartRangeInt = Convert.ToUInt32(StartRange, 16); //Convert HEX args to 32 bit int
    EndRangeInt = Convert.ToUInt32(EndRange, 16); //Convert HEX args to 32 bit int
    SerialPort port = new SerialPort(“COM4”);
    port.DtrEnable = true;
    Boolean good = false;
    uint trycount = 0;
    while (good == false){try{
    good = true;
    } //This prevents a crash if this code is ran simultaniously in another instance

    uint RandomNumber = 0; // unsigned random variable 32 bit
    byte one = (byte)port.ReadByte();
    byte two = (byte)port.ReadByte();
    byte thr = (byte)port.ReadByte();
    byte fou = (byte)port.ReadByte();
    //Shift the random bytes into the 32 bit variable
    RandomNumber += one;
    RandomNumber = RandomNumber << 8;
    RandomNumber += two;
    RandomNumber = RandomNumber << 8;
    RandomNumber += thr;
    RandomNumber = RandomNumber << 8;
    RandomNumber += fou;
    //Math to put the output into the range specified
    double RangeDivisor = 4294967295 / (Convert.ToDouble(EndRangeInt – StartRangeInt));
    uint RangedRandomNumber = Convert.ToUInt32((RandomNumber / RangeDivisor) + StartRangeInt);
    Console.WriteLine(RangedRandomNumber.ToString(“X”)); // Print Random Ranged number in HEX

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