New Product! PIC16F1455 dev board
Simple through hole kit. Easy to solder, has a USB header and prototype area. Check out more on the product page.
Simple through hole kit. Easy to solder, has a USB header and prototype area. Check out more on the product page.
While testing out different Linux distributions with the TrueRNG, we stumbled upon an issue regarding the package ‘modemmanager’ that appears to be installed by default on my ‘ubuntu-style’ distributions. This is happening because the TrueRNG appears as a CDC-ACM (serial port), this package is trying to scan the port and determine if it is a modem […]
We’ve been getting questions about using the dd command with the TrueRNG so we added some info to the FAQ here. One thing I wanted to point out is the iflag=fullblock argument on the dd command line. Without this you may get partially filled blocks if you are using the blocksize (bs=XXX) argument. This is […]
TrueRNG user Matt was kind enough to share some code to use the TrueRNG with MatLab. The code is being hosted here on Matlab Central File Exchange. Thanks matt!
First off I want to thank Scott M for supplying us his class file for other people getting started writing a custom application for the TrueRNG in windows. His class file is here, it is also linked on the support tab of the product page. Second, we wondered what the entropy data would look like […]
Forum user neoaeon was kind enough to point out a bug with the udev rules on certain versions of Linux. Namely CentOS. We’ve looked into the problem and made the necessary adjustments. If you are running a 3.x kernel you probably wont notice a problem, but if you do be sure to grab the updated […]
Just want to give you a sneak peek at the stack of prototypes we just got in. We will have more info later on as we assemble and work out the kinks.
Looks like a bug on our part didn’t allow for outside users to sign up. That has been resolved and you are now free to use the forums and post some questions if you have them. Thanks!
Some new stats were posted today. Stream analysis such as character distribution, and bitmap analysis. Check out the TrueRNG page for more info.
The TrueRNG provides a steady stream of random numbers through a USB CDC serial port. The random data can then be used to fill the entropy pool in an operating system, or used directly in a custom application. The TrueRNG is ideal for Security related applications (SSH, SSL, GPG), Gaming (dice,cards), Statistical Sampling and simulations. […]