Home Forums TrueRNG Hardware random number generator Matlab 2016b on OSX

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  • #1906

    Has anyone had any success using TrueRNG V2 on mac (OSX 10.12) with Matlab? I can’t figure out how to get Matlab to recognize the port:

    Serial Port Object : Serial-/dev/TrueRNG

    Communication Settings
    Port: /dev/TrueRNG
    BaudRate: 9600
    Terminator: ‘LF’

    Communication State
    Status: closed
    RecordStatus: off

    Read/Write State
    TransferStatus: idle
    BytesAvailable: 0
    ValuesReceived: 0
    ValuesSent: 0

    Ubld.it Staff

    Just for future reference, I believe this was solved by using Matt’s matlab script (here) and the line ‘-Dgnu.io.rxtx.SerialPorts=/dev/TrueRNG’, changing it to /dev/cu.usbmodem

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