Home Forums TrueRNG Hardware random number generator Adjust maximum and minimum – Capturing

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  • #2735

    Hello everyone,

    For my project I use a TrueRNGpro V2, but I need to control the minimum and maximum value of the numbers that I read to 01 and 100 (integers), and I need to read them in blocks of 10, for example:

    A first block would be:
    20 80 50 15 12 09 18 35 32 96
    The second would be:
    33 02 87 09 05 10 19 28 41 63
    like this until reaching the 250K block.

    Does anyone know how to do this?

    So far, using Realterm, I am able to read numbers from 0 to 255 (8bits) by capturing them continuously, not in separate blocks.

    Thanks in advance.

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