
This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ubld.it Staff 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    I’m having difficulty using TrueRNG with FreeBSD 10 on one of my servers.
    The kernel recognizes the device, but when I try to use DD or other programs
    to read from the device, it will read a few (tens to hundreds) of byte then
    return EOF.

    Does anyone know of a work around or fix?


    Ubld.it Staff

    What I think is going on here is the tty mode, for Linux we’re using a udev.d script that changes the term to RAW mode (using the stty command, e.g. stty /dev/ttyACM0 raw).
    Try to do these steps manually for now and see if you have the same issue.
    “/bin/stty raw -echo -ixoff -F /dev/insertTTYdevicenamehere”
    It looks like we should be able to automate this with devd (appears to be closest thing to udevd in FreeBSD).



    I was having this exact same issue on both linux (multiple distributions) and OSX. Reading from dd would only read a few bytes and then quit. Running the raw command above solved the problem. I did not run the udev script before trying to read directly with DD, which obviously caused the problem. Perhaps this should be in the FAQ or manual. Thanks!


    Ubld.it Staff

    Good idea, I’ll add it to the FAQ page.

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